Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I replace my HVAC filters?
You should replace your HVAC filters every 1-3 months, depending on usage and filter type.
2. What temperature should I set my thermostat in winter?
A recommended setting is around 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit for comfort and energy efficiency.
3. Can I perform HVAC maintenance on my own?
Basic tasks like changing filters can be done by homeowners, but professional maintenance is recommended annually.
4. How can I improve indoor air quality?
Regular ventilation, air purifiers, and keeping a clean home can contribute to better indoor air quality.
5. What are the signs of a failing HVAC system?
Common signs include strange noises, insufficient heating or cooling, and higher energy bills.
6. Should I close vents in unused rooms?
It's generally not recommended as it can disrupt the balance of the HVAC system and increase energy consumption.
7. How long does an HVAC system last?
The lifespan varies, but on average, HVAC systems can last 15-20 years with proper maintenance.
8. What is the role of refrigerant in my AC unit?
Refrigerant absorbs heat from indoor air, allowing the AC system to cool and dehumidify the air.
9. Can I install a programmable thermostat myself?
For safety and efficiency, it's recommended to have a professional install programmable thermostats.
10. How can I make my HVAC system more energy-efficient?
Regular maintenance, proper insulation, and using a programmable thermostat can improve energy efficiency.